Everything You need to Know about a PIP Claim in Florida

PIP, or personal injury protection, can help you out if you’ve been injured in a car accident. It can pay hospital bills, lost wages, or even funeral expenses. But are you fully covered by your current policy?
Read this guide for everything you need to know about a PIP claim in Florida.
What Is a PIP Claim?
PIP claim is a personal injury protection claim filed after an accident. Florida PIP law requires drivers to purchase PIP insurance. It offers coverage for some expenses related to an accident.
Medical bills can add up quickly so PIP is there to help you out.
Florida Is a No-Fault State
Florida is a no-fault state, so all drivers must carry this insurance. That means in the event of a car accident, both parties turn to their auto insurance policies to make claims, regardless of who was at fault.
To cover all of this, drivers must carry PIP insurance with their auto insurance. No-fault states like Florida are supposed to make it easier for injured parties to seek medical treatment. However, Florida PIP insurance will only cover up to a certain amount of medical bills.
If your injuries are serious you may have to file a suit against the other driver to recover the cost of your treatment.
Florida PIP Coverage Explained
In Florida, there are minimum coverage requirements. Keep in mind that medical treatment is getting more costly and it may be a good idea to have additional coverage in case you are in an accident. Florida Requires drivers to carry:
- $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP)
- $10,000 in property damage liability coverage
Basic PIP insurance covers 80% of the necessary medical costs. These are expenses like an ambulance ride, x-rays, surgery, doctors’ bills, or dental work. It can all add up pretty fast.
Basic PIP also covers 60% of your wages in case you are injured so badly that you can’t return to work. It helps replace household services you can’t do anymore because of the accident. PIP also gives you $5,000 in death benefits to pay for the cost of a funeral.
Think about the time you will be out of work after an accident and consider how much you will lose in wages. How will you pay for your bills or childcare? PIP also covers additional passengers in the vehicle.
PIP insurance allows you to choose your deductible. This is the amount deducted from a PIP claim check. The higher your deductible, the lower the cost of the PIP insurance. Your choices for deductibles are:
- No deductible
- $250
- $500
- $1,000
Car Accidents in Florida
If you are a Florida driver who’s involved in an accident here is what you do. Rest assured that PIP is on your side to help get everything back to normal.
Take careful notes about the details of the crash. This will come in handy if you have trouble remembering later on. Florida is a no-fault state but if your injuries are serious you may want to file a claim.
It’s a good idea to keep notes on the following:
- The driver’s name, driver’s license number, and insurance info.
- The license plate number
- Pictures of the accident scene
- Any visible injuries to you or your passengers
- A copy of the police report
If you or a passenger is injured seek medical attention right away. Florida’s personal injury protection will cover the medical expenses related to the crash.
Extended PIP Coverage
As we’ve previously discussed Florida PIP covers up to $10,000. Extended PIP insurance can’t go higher than the $10,000 limit, but it does cover all medical costs. Basic PIP only covers 80% of your medical costs. It also covers 80% of your lost income instead of 60%.
If you want even more Florida PIP benefits it’s possible with additional PIP coverage. With additional PIP you can select an amount such as $10,000, $25,000, $40,000 or $90,000 for additional coverage.
What Else Do I Need?
Florida insurance policies always start with PIP and liability insurance. After you meet those state requirements there are some other types of coverage you can think about.
- Uninsured motorist coverage – some motorists only carry the required PIP and property damage liability insurance and they might not have the right insurance to file a claim against them. You can sue the driver for damages or you can carry uninsured motorist coverage.
If you turn down uninsured motorist coverage you may be able to use your health insurance for accident injuries but it won’t cover lost wages, pain, and suffering or damages to your vehicle.
- Collision and comprehensive coverage – This insurance covers may problems beyond accidents. This insurance helps with Florida flooding, car theft, and other damages to your car like vandalism or hitting an animal.
- Umbrella insurance – If you have high income or assets consider purchasing umbrella insurance. This insurance provides an extra amount of liability insurance. This can help if you are facing a big lawsuit from an auto accident. It helps to protect your finances.
The Penalties of Driving Uninsured in Florida
There are strict penalties that make it very expensive to drive without insurance in Florida. First of all, when you drop or discontinue your insurance you must alert the state of Florida that you no longer have insurance.
Florida will then give you a period to get your coverage back. If you don’t meet the deadline your license will be suspended.
During a suspension, you will not be able to get a temporary or restricted license to commute to work. After the first offense, you’ll have to pay a $150 reinstatement fee to get your license back. After a second time, that fee goes up to $250 and the third time will cost you $500.
Need Help? We Are Here for You!
If you’re having trouble finding the right insurance fit for you or you need help with a PIP claim, speak with one of our professional insurance brokers today. We will be happy to provide you with all the information you need to find the perfect auto insurance.